कवयित्रयः ।
(०४) चतुर्थः पाठः - कवयित्रयः ।
॥ विज्जिका ॥ |
स्वतन्त्रकाव्यं रचितवतीषु कवयित्रीषु विज्जिकायाः अग्रस्थानम् अस्ति ।
Among the poetesses who wrote independent poetical composition, first place is for Vijjikā. "विजयाम्बिका" इति एतस्याः अपरं नाम अपि आसीत् । Her other name was also Vijayāmbikā. विज्जिकायाः कालः कः आसीत् इति निश्चयरूपेण कथनं यद्यपि कष्टकरं, तथापि विद्वांसः एवं तर्कयन्ति यत् सा अष्टमे शतके आसीत् इति ।
Though it is difficult to say with certainity what the lifetime of Vijjikā was, even then the scholars reason in this manner that she lived in the 8th century. कर्णाटकराज्यम् एतस्याः जन्मस्थलम् ।
Karnataka state is her birth place. "कौमुदीमहोत्सव" नामकम् ऐतिहासिकं नाटकं रचितवती अस्ति एषा ।
She has written an epic drama named "Kaumudīmahotsava" (Festival of Moonlight). विंशतितमस्य (२०) शतकस्य पूर्वार्धे केरलराज्ये एतत् नाटकं प्राप्तम् ।
In the first half of the 20th century, in the state of Kerala, this drama was obtained. एतया रचिताः रमणीयाः त्रिंशत् (३०) श्लोकाः अपि उपलभ्यन्ते । 30 delightful verses composed by her have also been obtained. |
॥ तिरुमलाम्बा ॥ |
षोडशे (१६) शतके जाता एषा विजयनगरराजस्य अच्युतदेवस्य पतनी ।
Born in the 16th century, she was the wife of Acyutadeva, the king of Vijayanagara. "वरदाम्बिकापरिणयः" नाम चम्पूग्रन्थः एतया लिखितः ।
A campū (prose and verse mixed) book named "Varadāmbikāpariṇaya" was written by her. ग्रन्थस्य अन्ते एषा स्वविषये उक्तवती अस्ति इत्यतः एतस्याः देशकालादिविषयाः स्फुटतया ज्ञायन्ते ।
At the end of the book, she has mentioned about herself; therefore her country, lifetime and other details are clearly known. वरदाम्बिकापरिणयः कश्चन ऐतिहासिकः ग्रन्थः ।
The book, Varadāmbikāpariṇaya, is some epic (an account of history as it happened). वरदाम्बा एतस्याः सपत्नी भवति ।
Varadāmbā is her co-wife. तथापि उदारहृदया एषा तां काव्यदृष्ट्या पश्यन्ती रमणीयतया वर्णितवती अस्ति ।
Even then, with generous heart, she, beholding (her) with poetic viewpoints, has pleasingly described her. ललितपदरचना, वर्णनाचातुर्यम् इत्यादयः एतस्याः काव्यस्य वैशिष्ट्यम् ।
Graceful composition of verses, shrewdness in commendation, etc ... are the speciality of her poetical composition. |
॥ रामभद्राम्बा ॥ |
सप्तदशे (१७) शतके एषा तञ्जावूरुनगरे जाता ।
In the 17th century, she was born in Tañjāvūr city. राजा रघुनाथनायकः एतस्याः पतिः । The king Raghunātha-Nāyaka is her husband. "रघुनाथाभ्युदयम्" नामकम् ऐतिहासिकं काव्यं रचितवती अस्ति एषा ।
She has composed a poetic epic (an account of history as it happened) named Raghunāthābhyudayam ("The rise of Raghunātha"). पतिं श्रीरामस्य अवतारं मत्वा काव्यं रचितवती अस्ति । Having considered (her) husband as an incarnation of Śrī Rāma, (she) has written the poetical composition. स्वस्य बहुभाषाप्रावीण्यं कविताप्रागल्भ्यं च स्वग्रन्थे साभिमानं वर्णितवती अस्ति एषा ।
She has proudly described in her book, of her multi-lingual proficiency and the boldness in poetry. रघुनाथाभ्युदयकाव्यं न केवलं काव्यदृष्ट्या, अपि तु एतिहासिकदृष्ट्या अपि विशेषमहत्त्वम् अर्हति ।
The poetic composition, Raghunāthābhyudayam, not only deserves special importance from the poetic viewpoint, but also deserves special importance from the epic (an account of history as it happened) viewpoint as well. रघुनाथनायकस्य आस्थाने आशुकवितारचनासमर्थाः बह्व्यः कवयित्र्यः आसन् इति श्रूयते ।
In the court of Raghunātha-Nāyaka, it is heard that there were many poetesses capable of composing poems extemporarily. तासु अन्यतमा "मधुरवाणी" नाम कवयित्री रघुनाथनायकेन रचितं तेलुगुरामायणं संस्कृतेन अनूदितवती अस्ति ।
One among them, a poetess by name Madhuravāṇī, had translated into Saṃskṛtam, the Rāmāyaṇaṃ written in Telugu by (the king) Raghunātha-Nāyaka. |
॥ गङ्गादेवी ॥ |
एषा विजयनगरस्थापकस्य बुक्करायस्य स्नुषा ।
She is the daughter-in-law of Bukkarāya, the founder of Vijayanagara. कम्पणरायस्य पत्नी । (She is the) wife of Kampaṇarāya. "वीरकम्पणरायचरितम्" इति काव्यं रचितवती अस्ति एषा ।
She has authored Vīrakampaṇarāyacaritam ("The history of the brave Kampaṇarāya"), a poetical composition. "मधुराविजयम्" इति तस्यैव काव्यस्य अपरं नाम ।
Other name of this poetical composition is Madhurāvijayam ("The victory of Madurai"). एतत् अपि ऐतिहासिकं काव्यम् । This is also a poetical epic (an account of history as it happened) composition. गङ्गादेवी चतुर्दशे (१४) शतके आसीत् ।
Gaṅgādevī lived in the 14th century. एतस्याः काव्यस्य भाषा सरला । The language of her poetical composition is simple. एतस्याः कल्पनाः नूतनाः सन्दर्भोचिताः च भवन्ति ।
Her ideas are new and are appropriate to the situation. वर्णनानि न अतिदीर्घाणि, न नीरसानि वा । Descriptions are neither very long nor without essence. अतः एव प्रसिद्धेषु काव्येषु अन्यतमत्वेन परिगण्यते एतस्याः काव्यम् अपि । It is therefore, her poetical composition as well is considered one among the many popular poetical compositions. |
॥ देवकुमारिका ॥ |
एषा उदयपुरराजवंशीया, राज्ञः अमरसिंहस्य पत्नी च ।
She is from the royal lineage of Udayapura (Udaipur), and is the wife of king Amarasiṃha. एषा सप्तदशे (१७) शतके आसीत् ।
She lived in the 17th century. "वैद्यनाथप्रासादप्रशस्तिः" इत्येतत् प्रशस्तिकाव्यं रचितवती अस्ति एषा ।
She has authored an panegyric poetic composition, Vaidyanāthaprāsādapraśasti ("The excellence of the temple of Vaidyanātha"). |
॥ क्षमाराव् ॥ |
एषा गतस्य शतकस्य पूर्वार्धे स्थिता श्रेष्ठा कवयित्री ।
She was a distinguished poetess who existed in the first half of the previous century. महाराष्ट्रराज्ये जातायाः एतस्याः पिता शङ्करपण्डितः, माता उषा ।
Born in the state of Mahārāṣṭra, her father was Śaṅkara Paṇḍit, and mother was Ushā. वैद्यं राघवेन्द्रराव्वर्यं परिणीतवती एषा संस्कृतसाहित्यक्षेत्रे विशेषपरिश्रमं कृतवती अस्ति ।
She, who was married to chief physician Rāghavendra-Rāo, has put in special efforts in the field of Saṃskṛt literature. एतस्याः द्वादश (१२) कृतयः मुद्रिताः सन्ति ।
Her 12 creations are published. तासु "शङ्करजीवनाख्यानम्", "तुकारामचरितम्", "रामदासचरितम्", "स्वराज्यविजयः" इत्यादीनि महाकाव्यानि ।
Among them Śaṅkarajīvanākhyānam ("The legend of the life of Śaṅkara"), Tukārāmacaritam ("The biography of Tukārāma"), Rāmadāsacaritam ("The biography of Rāmadāsa"), svarājyavijayaḥ ("The victory of sovereignty") are mahākāvyās (great poetic compositions). "मीरालहरी" तया विरचितं खण्डकाव्यम् ।
"Mīrālaharī" is a khaṇḍakāvya written by her. Note: Khaṇḍakāvya is the partial imitation of the mahākāvya. Where mahākāvya describes all the aspects, khaṇḍakāvya describes just one aspect described in the mahākāvya. "विचित्रपरिषद्यात्रा" नामके लघुपुस्तके अन्ते संस्कृतप्रचारविषये तया एवं प्रार्थयते -- संस्कृताधीतिनः सन्तु सर्वे भारतभूमिजाः ।
At the end of the short book named Vicitrapariṣadyātrā ("The journey of a diversified congregation"), on the topic of publicity of Saṃskṛt, it is solicited by her in this manner -- Let everyone born in the soil of Bharata be well read in Saṃskṛt. |
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